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Introduction to Human Consciousness

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Introduction to Human Consciousness
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Reverence Verses Worship

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Creating Consciousness

  • The change needed must start with thought. We must discuss and learn about the real issues that effect humanity and our place in the galaxy.
  • The path of this change must come from an altruistic desire to see peace and prosperity for all.

Key Points in Human Consciousness I

Our animation or soul is the truest part of ourselves.

All life contains an animation from a soul or spirit. When our body breaks down the soul continues to exist. In fact, our reality as we know it is like a play and our truest reality exists on a higher plane.  This animation is created by the Prime Creator regardless of how their biological construct is assembled.As such, life has the inherent right to free expression and freedom to live without slavery, abuse, or manipulation.  A spirit is manifested and sent to a human form. When a spirit is born into this physical realm, it obtains many of the resources within the human expression and its environment. Many who have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) will describe how they feel stripped away of emotion, feeling, and all the manifested assets of the human form before experiencing their pure spirit form.

As souls, we are capable of thought.

Thoughts are intentional ideas about reality and interactions in reality. Thoughts interact between our mind and our soul. The mind is the space where we interact with the soul where as, the brain is the physical construct of the space the mind occupies. We can generate thought and even have random or unconscious thoughts. Because we exist on more than one plane we can at times face a dissonance within our thoughts. Life has been endowed with imagination, creativity, and the ability to create thought. According to the maturity and development of the soul and its environment, the soul can influence reality. This begins with thought. We are responsbile for our thoughts. This means we have the discernable ability to reject negative thoughts and encourage positive and productive thoughts.

Thought gives birth to your feelings.

Thoughts are reflected by our feelings. We can generate anger, joy, saddness, fear, and love. We express these feelings through emotions. Feelings can be an indication of the balance or imbalance of thoughts.


We are not our thoughts, but they are things.  This statement will be a foreign concept to some as we are often taught that our brains are like computers that process thoughts and information. The mind and the brain are separate and function to serve different purposes. The brain is the mechanical part of our physical structure and our mind is the “space” where we interact between the physical and the spiritual.


Thoughts are powerful and can create reactions in our lives, seed action, and even change a choice. However, we are not our thoughts. Thoughts can be random, analyzed, and created. Experiences come from these thoughts. As we learn and grow we can learn to channel thoughts into appropriate uses. Our spirit is superior to our thoughts. The spirit is the spark of us that exists beyond our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The spirit is the animated part of us that lives beyond this dimension. Everything below our spirit in this hierarchy is manifested as a physical being. This means that thoughts are manifest in this dimension and they exist separate from our spirit.

Imagine your entire life that you believe the earth is flat. Because you believe this your behavior is adjusted to match your belief. When you are offered a boat ride to the end of the earth, you refuse to go. Your thoughts that have given birth to this belief would be, “The earth must be flat because the scientists say that it is and others accept that it is. I will be cautious of this so that I do not fall off”. Once these thoughts are identified we must make judgments about them. Sometimes experience can change our thoughts. Once you take a ride in an airplane to the other side of the earth, you realize the earth is not flat. These thoughts can be at the subconscious level and sometimes we need to dig to find what our thoughts are. Once we identify them, then we can make judgments on their accuracy. Often times, thoughts give birth to our beliefs and we become so embedded in the emotional aspects of our feelings that we will even become defensive in order to preserve them.

Our feelings are manifested through our emotions.  

Emotions are expressions that manifest themselves into a physical reality. They can be seen as crying and physical expressions of anger like shouting or violence. They can also be seen as a sullen expression of sadness. Feelings are the states behind the emotions. A person might be crying, but feeling any of several feelings like anger or sadness. It is important to understand the difference between feeling and emotion in the hierarchy of our manifested selves.

Our emotions give way to our actions and reactions.

Our emotional responses feed into our actions and reactions. Actions are a directed use of energy while reactions are an internal response to our conscious hierarchy. 

Taking control of our thoughts is essential.

It is important to take inventory of our thoughts on a regular basis and be sure that our conscious hierarchy is in balance. Often our feelings and emotions will give us a clue as to how our thoughts are being generated. This means that we need to practice meditation or mindfulness to ensure that we are in balance. Prayer is our sharing of thoughts and desires while meditation and mindfulness is about reflection and listening.

Inventory of our thoughts requires critical thinking.

Critical thinking is essential to our ability to discern information. Without it we will tend to be manipulated, influenced, and controlled. Ask why, who is behind it, what do they have to gain, where is the trail of money going, and what do they benefit from? Just because society presents something as normal does not mean that it morally right or beneficial.

How fear breaks down the Conscious Hierarchy.

Fear is a vacuum where love cannot generate positive energy. It is like a debt that steals peace. While fear is necessary when there is an external immediate danger, fear is only meant to be manifested when there are brief dangers requiring immediate reaction to ensure physical safety. Otherwise, fear works to stifle and cause degeneration. Being concerned about what others think of you is also a detriment to soul growth. We must move on beyond this to realize our truest potential.


Another consideration is the fear factor. Those who live in response to fear become a reactive component of reality. Their ability to be proactive is stifled and decisions are made on the basis of a lower plain of emotional intelligence. The extreme of this scenario can be seen in places where riots began or where wars began. Fear takes over the rational mind and forces a person to seek out what are considered to be the self preservation considerations. In this state growth and maturity are put on hold and self preservation uses up the senses. These senses are needed to continually register the nuances of reality and place them in the appropriate place in consciousness.


Fear should never be the catalyst of a decision. While we will again acknowledged that the flight or fight mode can save a human from a chasing bear, most decisions in life are not based on that premise. Even if we do allow fear to bring us to a decision then we must also take responsibility for the consequences of that fear. When fear is in power then love is not being expressed. This means that we must do our best to come to terms with the fear in our lives.

Anger is the daughter of fear.

The fear cycle plays a role in depression of the human spirit. This cycle creates a patterned habit which keeps one from growing. Fear and anger are related. When all fear is gone then anger will start to subside. Pain and fear are related. For example, a man who struggles with anger since childhood may be struggling with pain caused by his father’s lack of love. If the father is absent or does not provide unconditional love, then a son can develop anger issues.  This anger is really a coping strategy for covering the pain which grew his fears in life.


Guilt or Remorse?

There is a vast difference between guilt and remorse. Guilt is a lower form feeling based out of the construct of shame in connection to consequences on us. It is an internalized process where the concern is for oneself. Remorse on the other hand is concerned with the effect our actions have had on others. It is energy that is concerned with the balance between others and us. The perspective is from the other to self. This is what allows for maturity and growing out of these “shame based” feelings. Remorse allows one to learn the perspective of others and how we affect them. When we are more concerned about how our actions affect the energy of others then we begin the Empathetic Process.


There is physical pain and emotional pain. Physical pain renders our nervous system in overdrive and we seek to escape this sensation. When you touch a hot stove, you quickly move your hand away from the hot stove. This pain serves to tell us when something should be avoided. It also serves to tell us that something is wrong. If you are running and suddenly your ankle hurts, then you know that something has happened. Your ankle could be broken or some tissue could be damaged. This tells you that you must rest or you are in need of healing.


Emotional pain indicates that there is an imbalance and we should seek to rebalance. Some humans incorrectly process this and can sometimes seek out emotional pain to compensate for another emotional pain. This can contribute to an addiction. When the pain is not brought back to a homeostasis state then the person becomes unstable emotionally and growth does not take place.

Feelings which express in the physical as emotions are made up of energy. Each has a unique energy. Perhaps, sometime in the distant future we will learn to read these energies the way we now read words. The positive emotions emit a higher frequency and the negative emotions emit a lower frequency. Higher frequencies lead to growth and balance. Low energy leads to a victim/predator cycle of regression.


Pain is an active force of fear. Behind the thoughts of pain, they will break down to thoughts that correlate with a fear. Think about someone who has experienced a great deal of stress and emotional pain. Some are sensitive enough to be effected by simple everyday frustrations. They become triggers for a deep reservoir of lingering pain. For example, a woman who had a very critical father will have a short tolerance for men later in her life because of left over un-healed pain. In therapy, we will find that her thoughts may be, “The criticism is an indication of rejection”. Once that pain of rejection is realized in term of a fear of rejection, then healing can occur.


Information based on the research and writing of Dianne Irene.


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