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Nuclear Concerns
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Plant Life








Water is the life blood of the earth and should be seen as a sacred right to all life on the planet. Earth is a water planet and as such has plenty of water available for everyone on earth. Desalinization can also be utilized for those living in areas of salt water. As such a blessed planet, humans should not exploit, damage or keep clean water from the masses.

We can do this by taking care of the earth's resources and giving back to our environment. This means that humanity made a mistake by thinking that abusing the earth's resources would somehow work itself out. There are debates on how to reduce the population on earth, but the solution actually comes in balancing how we use the earth resources. Plastic, oil, nuclear, chemicals and other contaminants should have never been commercialized and used in our environment. The earth could actually support even more life if we lived in harmony with the natural laws of the ecosystem.

Creating Consciousness

  • The change needed must start with thought. We must discuss and learn about the real issues that effect humanity and our place in the galaxy.
  • The path of this change must come from an altruistic desire to see peace and prosperity for all.

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Major Issues

  • Water is the blood of the earth and it should be kept in pristine condition. Water should be a free resource for all of human, animal and plant life.
  • Corporations should not be allowed to dump chemicals and wastes into water sources.
  • Agriculture should be done without contaminating water sources. Therefore, all dangerous chemicals should be abandoned and benign chemicals and practices should replace these practices.
  • Water should be declared a resource that belongs to all people, animals, and the earth therefore free from commercial exploitation.
  • Clean water is an essential part of life on this planet. Clean water must take precedence over commercial endeavors and energy production. Nuclear plants are built near waterways and therefore endangering water with radioactive materials.

  • The oceans of the earth are the home for many animals and is important for our ecosystem. Therefore, the oceans should not be a dumping ground for the world's trash and plastic. One use plastic should be produced only by biodegradable and benign materials.



  • Production of electrical power results in one of the largest uses of water in the United States and worldwide. This makes the proliferation of benign energy sources that much more important. This water is used to cool the rods that are used to create steam. This process is highly detrimental to the environment and DNA because of the result of radioactive materials. Without water cooling these rods, a meltdown and serious leaks of radiocative material would leak into the environment. Often because these plants are located by water as streams, shores, and rivers, the risk of water contamination is even greater. It is a huge waste of water when we have benign energy sources in solar, wind, magnetic, zero point energy and other sources.
  • Wind energy preserves water resources. By 2050, wind energy can save 260 billion gallons of water—the equivalent to roughly 400,000 Olympic-size swimming pools—that would have been used by the electric power sector.


Water Usage Comparison in Agriculture
Eggs 120 gallons 1 apple 18 gallons
1/3-pound burger 660 gallons 1 orange 13 gallons
1 pound of beef 1,799 gallons Lettuce 15 gallons
1 pound of chicken 468 gallons Tomatoes 22 gallons
1 pound of pork 576 gallons Cabbage 24 gallons
1 pound of sheep 731 gallons Cucumber 28 gallons
1 pound of goat 127 gallons Potatoes 30 gallons
1 gallon of milk 880 gallons Oranges 55 gallons
Dairy Cheese 896 gallons Apples 83 gallons
Diary Butter 2044 gallons Mango 190 gallons
Water Usage Comparison in Energy and Manufacturing
Energy Type Water Use Product Type Water Use
a large nuclear power plant that utilizes a once-
through cooling system
800 million to 1
billion gallons of water a day
1 pound of steel 30 gallons
Uranium fuel extraction
45-150 gallons of water per megawatt-hour of electricity
1 sheet of paper 3 gallons
Uranium mining
contaminated surface or ground
water sources in at least 14 states
a cotton T-shirt 400 gallons of water
Nuclear power plants
intake water to cool service equipment
13,500 to 52,000
gallons per minute depending on the season and the power plant
1 lumber board 5.4 gallons of water
1 billion tons of coal America uses each year 55 trillion to 75 trillion gallons of water annually 1 gallon of paint 13 gallons
typical 500-megawatt coal-fired utility burns 250 tons of coal per hour 12 million gallons of water an hour—300 million gallons a day—for cooling one plastic bottle to hold bottled water 1.85 gallons of water
Oil production
13 billion ( m)^3
of water for oil production worldwide in 2006
1 pound of plastic 24 gallons





  • Respect for our environment and life in turn ensures our development in a positive manner.





Fossil Fuels and Water Quality

From Lettuce to Beef, What's the Water Footprint of Your Food?

How many gallons of water does it take to make . . .

Mekonnen, M.M. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2012) A global assessment of the water footprint of farm animal products, Ecosystems, 15(3):401-405.

Nuclear Power and Water

The Water Content of Things: How much water does it take to grow a hamburger? To make a burger, first you need 660 gallons of water ...

Water consumption from coal plants

Wind-powered device can produce 11 gallons per day of clean drinking water from the air

Wind Vision: A New Era for Wind Power in the United States

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